Sunday 28 September 2014

September 29-October 3 2014

This week we have early dismissal on Wednesday at 2:10pm. Please ensure your child has an appropriate ride home at this time.
Club Moo forms are due Thursday October 2. Please let me know if you have not received this form.
Dairy Queen hot lunch is on Friday (orders were due last Friday)

Last week, the students were introduced to two different types of writing: narrative and expository (informative). We discussed where we find this type of writing and how to tell the difference between the two. This week, we will continue to work with these two types of writing and build their knowledge of them.
This week we will be introducing an online reading program called "RazKids". This program allows students to read books online (specific to their reading level), and take comprehension quizzes after they have read the book. They earn points for their reading (through the program) and can access this program at home. We are going to try to use this a few times this week so students can become comfortable with the program. Once they have become comfortable, feel free to use this at home. (NOTE: they may not become comfortable this week and it would be best to try next week)

Students are encouraged to continue reading 10 minutes a night and work towards their 2 hour goal by Tuesday. Please ensure that the red duotangs are returned to school when they have completed 1 hour.
In the red duotang is the Dolch words. I will be testing those words sometime this week, so please ensure your child is comfortable with these words.

We will be finishing up addition and subtraction this week and moving forward with our next topics. This doesn't mean we will stop practicing our addition/subtraction, but I encourage students to practice their skills at home/in the car/while you are out for a walk.

We have been learning about our country and where the provinces are located in Canada.

Magnets! Magnets! Magnets! We have been discussing magnets and what makes up a magnet. Challenge your kids and have them take a magnet around your house to test what is magnetic.

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