Sunday 14 September 2014

September 15-19, 2014

We will be continuing on this week with our normal schedule, except there will be no school on Friday September 19. Also, we have a 'Meet the Teacher Night' on Tuesday September 16 at 6:30pm and I am looking forward to seeing all of you there.
One thing I would like to point out (which I just found out as well), is that students are able to bring back their Library books at any time and take out new ones. The 'check in and check out' times vary depending upon our Librarians' (Mrs Hicks) schedule. However, we will try to exchange books within 24 hours of being brought back. YAY!! This means that your child can read different books at home!
I hope the Home Reading program is going well....I have had a few red duotangs brought back and we are keeping track of 'Hours Read' in our classroom. If you would like me to send home an extra book or two, please let me know and your child can choose a book from the selection. Try to encourage your child to read a minimum of 10 minutes per night.
I was really impressed with the Spelling Test from Friday! Congratulations Grade 2s! I have added a tab at the top of the blog that will have the spelling words for each week so you can ensure you always have access to them.
Don't forget: all pink forms, volunteer forms, student verification forms (the big package of papers sent out this past Tuesday), and the CASL forms (sent home Friday) are due back ASAP. Thank you to all those who have sent their papers back already and I look forward to receiving the rest.
I have also sent out an email about our Class Dojo points. If you have not received an email yet, please let me know and I will look into it. The Class Dojo is a points system that allows a student to earn positive/negative points for their actions/behavior. Parents are able to track this online throughout the day to see how their child is doing. Plus it is a great conversation starter for 'how was your day' around the dinner table!
Have a great week everyone :)

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