Wednesday 28 January 2015

Jan 26-29, 2015

It's a short week! There are A LOT of illnesses going around in our class, so I encourage each child to wash their hands regularly and get extra sleep. Please do not hesitate to keep your child home if they are sick.
Scholastic Book Orders are due Thursday.
Report Cards go home on Thursday.
Spelling Test on Thursday (it is a review week of the past 5 lessons, so there are 20 words and I will select 10).

Reminder that our Field Trip to the Telus World of Science is on Monday. We will leave PROMPTLY at 8:35am. Students are asked to bring a bag lunch (everything can be disposed of).

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Jan 19-23, 2015

Lots of 'little' things over the next week or two:
-Permission forms for the field trip to the Telus World of Science (on Feb 2) are due on Jan 27. If you can volunteer to help us this day, please fill out the purple sheet attached to the permission forms.
-The Lego contest is underway. If your child plans to participate, please send all entries in by Jan 27 at 3pm. They can be sent in any day until then.
-Scholastic book orders were sent home yesterday. They are due back Jan 29.

Writing-This week we are continuing to discuss 'effective extended endings.' The focus is on a hope/wish, decision, feeling, or memory. In association to that, we talked about the difference between 'telling' a characters' feelings, and 'showing' a characters feelings. Both ways are effective, however, I encourage students to include character feelings in their writing.

SWAT-The Leduc Jr High SWAT team will be in on Wednesday to help us set goals with the students. This is a great opportunity for both the Grade 2 class and the Jr High students to participate in. They will be joining our class once/month to work on different topics/activities. These are all led under the direction of the SWAT teacher.

Journals-Our journals this week were about a favorite winter activity/pass time. I find that some students are struggling to recall information and memories, so I encourage you to review activities you are doing with your child. Have a conversation with them at the dinner table about what they learned in school, and on Sunday evening you can talk about what they did this past weekend that they enjoyed the most.

Now that our patterns unit is finished, we will begin our Measurement unit. This will begin next week as we are finishing our Numbers unit this week as well.
Here is a good game to try: Write down 10 numbers on separate pieces of paper (0-100). Have the child arrange them in numerical order.
Yes, it sounds simple, however your child is practicing the order of numbers. This is an important skill for them to master. Encourage them to start with the 10s number then the 1s number.
 Ex. 28
Tens column: 2
Ones column: 8

This week our focus is on body temperature. We did an activity today that allowed the students to learn about 'normal body temperature' (which is 37 degrees Celcius), then test their body temperature. Ask your child about what they found out!

As a wrap up activity to our Social unit, the students were able to play a board game that allowed them to explore the different activities that you could do in each of our 4 communities. It was neat to see the students make connections to their textbook and what we have learned about each community and apply it to the game.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Jan 12-16, 2015

Another 5 day week is upon us. Please check the schedule ("What's Coming Up" tab) to see what we have going on beyond the curriculum.

Last week was quite the adjustment for most students. We talked about 4 important things to remember:
1. Get more sleep! Your child needs minimum 10 hours of sleep every night. Sending them to bed 30 minutes before the 'usual time', can lead to higher success and more positive class time.
2. Eat healthy. Fruits! Vegetables! Keeps us energized and is better for our bodies. Although the sugary pre-packaged food is easier for parents to pack in a child's lunch, the result of these products is very obvious in the classroom. I encourage you to pack a variety of fruits and vegetables in their lunch.
3. Wash your hands. There are a lot of illnesses going around, anything from stomach to colds/flu. A simple prevention technique is washing your hands with soap and water. I encourage washing their hands instead of hand sanitizer before every meal.
4. Dress Warm! There have been multiple times where I have to ask "where are your mittens?" and the response? "Mom didn't pack them!" I encourage students to take accountability and pack their bag and think of all of these things before they leave the house. With the ever-changing weather lately (and the history of January weather in Alberta), I do not let students outside with a hat and mitts/gloves. Instead of packing your child's backpack in the morning, ask them "what will you need to wear outside for recess today?" This allows them to think and prepare for the day ahead.

Language Arts
Writing-This week in writing we are discussing 2 major topics: character detail and effective story endings. Character detail allows the reader to understand exactly what the character looks like, is wearing, sounds like, how he/she moves, etc. This character detail is also not to come in the form of "He has blue pants. He has red lips. He has hazel eyes. He has big feet." We are exploring different ways to introduce characteristics that are exciting to the reader.
Effective story endings can be challenging because most students want to finish the story quickly and forget to wrap up details. We will be exploring different ways (using feelings, sounds, emotions, connections) to end a story.
Reading-This is a reminder that students are being asked to complete 4 hours of reading at home during the month of January. Please record this in your child's red duotang and return it to school for every hour read. I have noticed more and more students about asking to download RazKids at home on a phone or tablet...Please do!!! This time spent on RazKids also counts towards home reading. If you have questions, please contact me.

Patterns-Our patterns test will be this Thursday Jan 15. A review of what will be on the test will be on Tuesday during our math time.

Hot and Cold Temperatures-Still our focus for the week, but we will be looking at thermometers and measuring temperature using these instruments.

Wrapping up our unit about the communities of Saskatoon, Iqaluit, and Meteghan and moving onto the cultures of these communities (before the end of January).

Wednesday 7 January 2015

January 5-9, 2015

Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you all had a restful holidays with your kids and got to spend some quality time with your family and friends.
This week we are spending a bit of time getting back into the 'swing of things'.
We will still have a spelling test on Friday with the 10 new words.

The students were informed about a Lego Building Competition that is coming up. Although more information will be going home in the school newsletter, here are some rules:
-Lego kits cannot be used, however, the pieces from the kits can be included in the final piece
-Lego is the only item that can be used
-All submissions are due by Thursday Jan 29 at 3pm
-Pieces must be ORIGINAL and cannot be larger than 15" x 15"
-Students will be asked to 'name' their piece
-We do not recommend parents going out and purchasing Lego. Students have been asked to use the Lego that they already own.
-This is completely optional. There will be a winner from each Division (Grade 1-3 and Grade 4-6) who will receive a beautiful Lego masterpiece book.
-Judging will occur Feb 2-12 and a winner will be announced on Feb 13 at the Assembly.
*Please look for more information or email me.

I loved reading the journal entries this week. We focused on their holidays, what they did, any presents they got, who they spent time with, etc.
This week in phonics we will be reviewing long and short vowels that rhyme.
In our writing, we are discussing how to make an exciting beginning of a story. An exciting story beginning includes: an action, dialogue, a wonder/worry, and a loud sound. As a class, we brainstormed some ideas (focusing on an action, dialogue, a wonder/worry, and a sound) about a girl going into the woods when suddenly, she is met by an animal. Each student was then able to try writing their own story beginning. The students were very creative!
Each week, we focus on our writing and parts of our writing, but the students also get a story prompt for them to practice using these writing skills learned in other lessons.
I encourage you to ask questions after your child has finished reading at home. Some examples are: "What is happening in the story?" "Who is the main character?" "Where does he/she live?" "Who are his/her friends?" "What is the problem in the story?" "What happened before this part in the story?" These types of questions are important to improve your child's comprehension and allows them to focus on parts of the story that piece together.

We are coming to an end of our Patterns unit. We will have a short 'test' next week to check for their understanding of the unit.
Also, our Numbers to 100 unit is almost done, but we still have a few lessons left. One of the lessons this week is focusing on 'comparing numbers' and being able to determine (between 2 groups) which has more. We will also be looking at a sequence of numbers and determine a number that is missing. For example: 24, 25, 26, ___, 28, 29. Which number is missing?

We are still focusing on our 'Hot and Cold' unit. The students are really starting to apply their knowledge to other areas (school atmosphere, noticing things at home that are hot and cold, etc).
We are going to have a field trip on Feb 2 to the Telus World of Science. Keep your eyes out for a information pack coming home about this Field Trip.

Our discussions this week in social are about mapping and directions. Using a compass rose can be confusing at this age, but they are really getting the hang of it. On Tuesday, we used a 'paper map' and 'Google Maps' to find East Elementary School. They really enjoyed using both maps, but loved the fact that they could use the 'street view' to see the school.