Sunday 28 September 2014

September 29-October 3 2014

This week we have early dismissal on Wednesday at 2:10pm. Please ensure your child has an appropriate ride home at this time.
Club Moo forms are due Thursday October 2. Please let me know if you have not received this form.
Dairy Queen hot lunch is on Friday (orders were due last Friday)

Last week, the students were introduced to two different types of writing: narrative and expository (informative). We discussed where we find this type of writing and how to tell the difference between the two. This week, we will continue to work with these two types of writing and build their knowledge of them.
This week we will be introducing an online reading program called "RazKids". This program allows students to read books online (specific to their reading level), and take comprehension quizzes after they have read the book. They earn points for their reading (through the program) and can access this program at home. We are going to try to use this a few times this week so students can become comfortable with the program. Once they have become comfortable, feel free to use this at home. (NOTE: they may not become comfortable this week and it would be best to try next week)

Students are encouraged to continue reading 10 minutes a night and work towards their 2 hour goal by Tuesday. Please ensure that the red duotangs are returned to school when they have completed 1 hour.
In the red duotang is the Dolch words. I will be testing those words sometime this week, so please ensure your child is comfortable with these words.

We will be finishing up addition and subtraction this week and moving forward with our next topics. This doesn't mean we will stop practicing our addition/subtraction, but I encourage students to practice their skills at home/in the car/while you are out for a walk.

We have been learning about our country and where the provinces are located in Canada.

Magnets! Magnets! Magnets! We have been discussing magnets and what makes up a magnet. Challenge your kids and have them take a magnet around your house to test what is magnetic.

Monday 22 September 2014


Just a few updates that came about today...
1. Picture forms are due back tomorrow (Tuesday)! Whether you need retakes or are purchasing a package of pictures, please send those in tomorrow. 
2. Terry Fox permission forms must be in by Thursday at 3pm. If I do not receive the permission form, your child will have to remain at school during the walk. 

On another note, please ensure that all spelling lists that are sent home (both weekly and the Dolch list) are mastered both verbally and written. Which means your child should be able to spell them (you say the word, your child writes/spells it) and visually recognize the word (look at the word and say it properly aloud). 
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Sunday 21 September 2014

September 22-26, 2014

I hope the students all enjoyed their 3 day weekend! This beautiful weather, leaves changing colour, and the end of summer/start of fall is definitely a great reason to go outside for a walk or bike ride.

Here's some reminders for the week:
-Hot lunch orders are due this Friday September 26. Please go to the following website to register (parents will have to create a new account regardless of previous accounts)

-Library is every Tuesday. Please ensure your child returns all their books so they can take out new ones!

-I have noticed some students are struggling to complete their '10 minutes of reading every night.' I really encourage you to try and build this into your daily routine. Our class goal is 2 hours per child by the end of September. Please ensure you record the time your child reads (in the red duotang).

-Picture order forms were sent home this past week. If you require re-takes or would like to purchase one of the options available, please send those forms back ASAP (no deadline has been set yet, but I assume by Friday Sept 26).

-When packing your child's lunch, be sure to include them! They have been really awesome lately with choosing healthy snacks during morning snack time. Kids are very excited about their lunches...ask them if what you are packing is something they like/dislike. Remember to back a RAINBOW lunch (as many colours of the rainbow as possible) to ensure they are receiving different vitamins.

Sunday 14 September 2014

September 15-19, 2014

We will be continuing on this week with our normal schedule, except there will be no school on Friday September 19. Also, we have a 'Meet the Teacher Night' on Tuesday September 16 at 6:30pm and I am looking forward to seeing all of you there.
One thing I would like to point out (which I just found out as well), is that students are able to bring back their Library books at any time and take out new ones. The 'check in and check out' times vary depending upon our Librarians' (Mrs Hicks) schedule. However, we will try to exchange books within 24 hours of being brought back. YAY!! This means that your child can read different books at home!
I hope the Home Reading program is going well....I have had a few red duotangs brought back and we are keeping track of 'Hours Read' in our classroom. If you would like me to send home an extra book or two, please let me know and your child can choose a book from the selection. Try to encourage your child to read a minimum of 10 minutes per night.
I was really impressed with the Spelling Test from Friday! Congratulations Grade 2s! I have added a tab at the top of the blog that will have the spelling words for each week so you can ensure you always have access to them.
Don't forget: all pink forms, volunteer forms, student verification forms (the big package of papers sent out this past Tuesday), and the CASL forms (sent home Friday) are due back ASAP. Thank you to all those who have sent their papers back already and I look forward to receiving the rest.
I have also sent out an email about our Class Dojo points. If you have not received an email yet, please let me know and I will look into it. The Class Dojo is a points system that allows a student to earn positive/negative points for their actions/behavior. Parents are able to track this online throughout the day to see how their child is doing. Plus it is a great conversation starter for 'how was your day' around the dinner table!
Have a great week everyone :)

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Settling In...

As we settle into the first full week of Grade Two, we have noticed a few things missing from our class.
1. Headphones for the chromebooks. Please supply a pair of headphones for your child to use. I will put their name on them and you will get them back at the end of the school year.
2. Specific color duotangs. Some students are missing specific colors of duotangs. Please ask your child if they have their work in duotangs...if not, please supply them.

As the weather is constantly changing, please ensure that your child is coming to school with the appropriate attire. With the temperatures around 5 degrees, sweaters are not enough. Please ensure your child is properly dressed according to the weather. This may mean sending a pair of mittens and a hat to keep at school for the time being.

Friday 5 September 2014

Back to the Grind...

Welcome to Grade 2!! I am very excited to have 19 students in my classroom this year. This group of students is amazing and I cannot wait to watch them grow over the next 10 months.
After the first week, we have already started writing, social, science, math, and phonics. WOW! 

I have been really impressed with how diligent students are with bringing their kanga pouch and agenda to school every day. Just a reminder to check the pouch every night and initial their agenda. The students receive a 'positive dojo point' for returning it signed. (**Not sure what a dojo is?? Ask your child!**)

What has been sent home?
There have been some papers sent out today that are important for parents to look at: Triton Swimming, East Elementary School calendar magnet, online payment information, and a letter from Principal Chomlak. Please give these a read. 
On Wednesday I sent home a newsletter which included a volunteer sheet for classroom activities and classroom parties. Thank you for returning those so quickly. 
*On Monday I will be sending home an information page that I would like you to fill out with your child. This will include your child's 'favorites' and some contact information. Please return this by Friday September 12. 

Spelling Words & Home Reading (Red Duotang)
I sent home a red duotang containing information on Spelling Words (Dolch words) and our Home Reading program. These spelling words are to be worked on at home (approx. 10 minutes/night). When these words are mastered, please let me know so I can test them. 
Our plan for Home Reading is to have each student read a minimum of 10 minutes every night; the class goal is 2 hours in September. Every hour that your child reads, please send the red duotang back to school and we will keep tally. If you have any questions about the Dolch words or the Home Reading, please do not hesitate to email me.