Tuesday 24 November 2015

November 23-27, 2015

The last full week of November is upon us and it is FINALLY starting to look like a typical November! This large snow fall that came on Monday has turned our dusty playground into a white winter wonderland. 
With this recent change in weather, please ensure your child comes to school with the appropriate attire: winter coat, snow pants, mitts (good insulated mitts that will keep hands warm), hat, scarf, and snow boots. 

What's New: 
-Tutti Fruity Tuesdays is starting up this week. Students are encouraged to bring a FRESH fruit or vegetable for snack on Tuesdays. This is a competition between classes and the class with the highest number of fruit/vegetables at the end of the competition wins a healthy snack for their class! 
-No School this Friday as it is a PD day. 
-Student of the Week will be handed out on Thursday afternoon. 

Language Arts
Phonics has taken us onto the next vowel...O. They are using common words that have the long vowel O in them. It works out nicely as these match up with our spelling words this week. 
Our Writing unit wraps up this week with a writing about Autumn. Students are using detail, capital letters, proper spacing, appropriate punctuation, and a elaborate picture to help portray their thoughts and ideas. It was hard for them to believe that we are still in the season of Autumn...especially with this fresh white snow we just got!

We will be continuing with Numbers to 100. We have been working quite a bit with money (coins) and the students are gaining confidence with them. I encourage you to practice at home or in the grocery store counting the change in your wallet. 
Our next part of math will be looking at ordinal numbers (first, second, third, fourth, etc) and the words that are associated with each number. 


This weather has really been fun to talk about in science class, as it goes nicely with our Hot and Cold Temperatures unit. We have been talking about the weather and what temperature actually means, as well as using a thermometer to measure it. It is quite fun to watch the students explore and get excited about gathering information (even if it is from The Weather Network). 

Learning all 13 provinces and territories is tough work! But we are getting there! Learning the provinces and territories around us, and a special piece of information about them is helping each student remember them all. 

Wednesday 18 November 2015

November 16-20, 2015

Welcome back! After 5 days away from school, it feels like December is right around the corner! Scary, I know!

Lots of little things going on:

-Christmas card orders (through EEPA on a green sheet of paper) are due back on Wednesday November 18 (with payment)
-Operation Christmas Child boxes are due back on Thursday November 19
-Coat Swap-a memo went home last week about the Coat Swap (bring in coats that do not fit anymore and 'swap' it for a coat that does fit)
-Yearbook Interest forms are going home (today) and are due back by November 30. This is just to see who is interested in purchasing a Yearbook. Order forms will be sent home in Spring 2016. 
-Patterns Test and Magnets test will be sent home by Friday. Keep an eye out in your child's agenda!

Language Arts
Phonics-review of long and short vowels and determining if they are long/short vowel words
Spelling words-all words this week are focused on the long vowel 'u'
Writing-Students will be differentiating between facts and opinions about Autumn. Students will also be writing a story about Autumn with a focus on a main character, main event, setting, and a story ending.
Reading-we will be working in small groups and practicing reading to each other

Numbers to 100-finding odd and even numbers from 1-100, counting with money (coins) using a 100s chart
Addition and Subtraction (mental math)-continue to practice using manipulatives and through games

We will be reviewing our Magnets test and then moving on to Hot and Cold Temperatures. Our first thing to look at will be thermometers: why we use them, parts of a thermometer, and where we find thermometers.

We have been looking at the map of Canada and the provinces. Students have been learning where to find Alberta on the map. Our next step is finding the other communities on the map (Iqaluit, Saskatoon, and Meteghan).

Thursday 5 November 2015

November 2-6, 2015

Well there is officially 7 weeks left until Christmas...where has the time gone!
First things first, thank you to the parents who brought treats for the Halloween party on Friday October 30. The kids really loved having the snacks at the party. Plus they looked pretty awesome too!
Currently in art we are making poppies for our wreath to present at the Remembrance Day ceremony on November 10 at 10:30am. Please feel free to attend if your schedule allows.
With the temperature cooling down, please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We don't want them getting sick!

Language Arts
We are now using 4 out of 5 'Daily 5' stations: Read to Self, Word Work, Work on Writing, and Listen to Reading. The students are building stamina (remaining focused on their task for longer lengths of time each day) and are very excited to have this time.
In our Writing unit, we are exploring juicy sentences that contain a noun (person/place/thing), verb (action word), and adjectives (details). We discussed why each of these are important and why each of these needs to be in each sentence. Students have now been encouraged to use these in their writing more regularly (ie. Daily 5 writing).
Students are developing confidence with using common long vowel words in a variety of sentences (in phonics). This is associating quite well with our spelling words as this weeks words (as well as last weeks) are long vowel words.

Earlier this week we began our 'Numbers to 100' unit. Students have been busy using their 100s charts to help find missing numbers, count by 2/3/4/5/6, starting at a number and counting forwards and backwards, and patterns that occur on the 100s chart.
We continue to do 'money math' which also ties nicely in with our Numbers to 100.

We wrapped up our Magnets unit on Wednesday with a Unit Test. Our next unit (Hot and Cold Temperatures) will begin next week.

Earlier this week we discussed where we lived. What is the name of the city/town you live in? What is the province? What is the country? Can you find it on a map? On a map of Canada, where is there land? Where is there water? What are the two major bodies of water called (Atlantic and Pacific ocean)? They are quite interested in finding places on a map!