Tuesday 23 February 2016

Feb 22-26, 2016

Important information was sent home on Monday Feb 22. Please check your child's agenda for these documents (permission form for Meditation Program, verification sheet and other documents to confirm your intent to attend East Elementary in 2016-2017) and return them by Friday Feb 26, 2016. 

Wednesday Feb 24 2016 is Pink Shirt Day. We wear a pink shirt to show that we are taking a stand against bullying. I encourage each and every student to wear a pink shirt (or an item of pink) to support our schools' initiative. 

Language Arts
Writing-separating sentences into the who/what (noun) and doing/describing (verb) and making edits to sentences that are missing capital letters and punctuation; we will be discussing word referents (alternate words to make a sentence stronger and more appealing)
Phonics-compound words, r blend words

Reading-Chapter 3 of 'The Mouse and the Motorcycle'
Daily 5 Read to Someone-continuing "The BFG" by Roald Dahl
Spelling-words this week are 'c' and 'ck' blend words; we discovered that words that contain the letter 'c' make a ssss sound (race) or a kkkk sound (became) and sometimes they blend as a ck to make the kkkk sound (stick). 

Over the next few weeks we will be looking at Addition and Subtraction to 18. We are focusing on fact families (7, 2, 9 is a fact family). Here is an example of a fact family: 
2, 7, 9
2 + 7 = 9
7 + 2 = 9
9 - 2 = 7
9 - 7 = 2
Fact families demonstrate how number equations are connected and help us go back and forth from subtraction to addition. There is a relationship between addition and subtraction, and being able to identify this relationship will help the students find different techniques to solving tough math questions. 

Our crystals are growing! It is pretty awesome to see the changes on a daily basis and have discussion about evaporation. 
This week, we will be exploring a variety of liquids (students will not know what the liquids are). We will be looking at smell, viscosity, color, and other physical properties. 
Then we will take the liquids and freeze them. Then we will look at the liquids and observe if the liquids changed smell, viscosity, and color. 
After that, we will set the liquids out on the counter for a few days to see if they evaporate. Once a few days has passed, we will look at the smell, viscosity, and color to see if they have changed. 

We will be looking at occupations and natural resources of our 3 communities.

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